Dubbel Zes

Professional scoundrel Annabel manages to lose almost everything she has in one night: her inheritance, her house and her relationship. She becomes entangled in one clumsy lie after another, two identities and the choice between two men. With: Abby Hoes, Jim Bakkum, Ryan Brown, Victoria Koblenko, Tjebbo Gerritsme, Victor Low, Ricky Koole, Emma Deckers, Carl Spencer, Soumaya Ahouaui, Sinan Ergoglu, Stefan de Walle, Sem Ben Yakar, Niek Roozen, Sijtze Wittemans and Shelly Bos. Director: Jonathan Elbers Client: DFW/Tom de Mol
Dubbel Zes

Juffrouw Pots

In Miss Pots, two brave kids play the leading roles in an exciting but above all very funny story.
Kaya and her boyfriend Simon are the outsiders of group 7. They are stupid, slow and lazy.
At least, that is what those around them think.

With: Tygo Gernandt as Juf Pots, Juliëtte van de Weerdt, Pepijn Bouwens, Sem van der Horst, Anniek Pheifer, Huub Smit, Tim Haars,
Janice Blok, Niels Oosthoek, Bibi (YouTube) en Douwe Bob Posthuma.

Director : Martijn Smits

Client : Independent Films

Juffrouw Pots


tells the story of six women in different stages of life, who all struggle in their own way with self-image, beauty and societal expectations.

With Annet Malherbe, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Holly Mae Brood, Lies Visschedijk, Bobbie Mulder, Caro Lenssen, Maarten Heijmans, Hannah Hoekstra, Sidar Toksöz, Guusje Vos

Director : Maurice Trouwborst

Client : Millstreet/Independent Films


De laatste ronde/ Last call

When childhood friends André, Bart and David, all in their 50s, go to work in the old cafe friend Joost bought in Belgium, they no longer prove immortal.
They exchange still effortlessly heavy seriousness with trivial lightness and banter, but that does not escape the fact that they are getting older.
Loyalty, fate and humor as a lifeline prove to be sorely needed to face the next phase in their lives......

The top image in this poster was shot by me and my collegue Jaap Vrenegoor shot the image of  Wilfried de Jong driving the coffin

With: Wim Opbrouck, Reinout Bussemaker, Wilfried de Jong and Leopold Witte.

Director: Boris Paval Conen
Client : KeyFilm


De laatste ronde

Bed & Breakfast

A socially awkward workaholic resigns on a whim and then contemplates her new future in a Groningen village
full of eccentrics while wrapping the local bachelors around her finger.

With the fabulous Sanne Langelaar, Oscar Aerts, Mingus Dagelet,
Denise Aznam, Liz Snoyink, Jelka van Houten,
Margôt Ros, Sabri Saad El Hamus, Hassan Slaby.

Director : Ruud Schuurman
Client : DFW


Bed & Breakfast

Panduloria', een fantasy sitcom

With: Henry van Loon, Bas Hoeflaak, Jennifer Hoffman, Alex Klaasen, Georgina Verbaan, Jan Paul Buijs, Korneel Evers, Theo Maassen, Bram Krikke, Wimie Wilhelm, Ronald Goedemondt, Arjen Lubach, Myrthe Huber, Alex Ploeg, Kim Schuddeboom, Emilio Guzman, Meral Polat, Lucretia van der Vloot. Zoë Love Smith, Reiky de Valk, Teun Stokkel, Sanne Franssen, Rick Paul van Mülligen, Thomas Gast, Pieter Klok, Nico van der Knaap. Voice over door Murth Mossel.

Director : Thijs van Domburg
Clien : Human Factor / AmazonPrime


De Terugreis

A bitter-aged man reluctantly drives to Spain to pay a last visit to a dying friend, along with his wife who's suffering from dementia.
But as their journey unfolds, he slowly starts to soften up and rediscovers the meaning of love.

With the fantastic Lenny Breederveld as Maartje ands Martin van Waardenberg as Jaap.

Director : Jelle de Jonge
Client : Hazazah / DFW



De Terugreis

Buenas Chicas

A lawyer travels to the south of Spain with her friends for a wine tour,
but not everything goes according to plan. She meets her ex-partner by surprise.

Shot in our sunny studio in Amsterdam.

With Susan Radder, Britt Scholte, Noel van Kleef Thijs Boermans,
Juvat Westendorp and manny others.

Director : Pim van Hoeve
Client : Independent Films


Buenas Chicas

Swanenburg S2

The must see thrilling series about the family Praal.
With : Tine Joustra Frederik Brom Sanne Langelaar Jan-Paul Buijs Ella-June Henrard Joren Seldeslachts Richelle Plantinga Jannell Gersie

Directors : Hans Somers, Anielle Webster, Hiba Vink, Thomas Korth Altes
Client : Keyfilm / KRO-NCRV



Swanenburg S2

Alles is nog steeds zo als het zou moeten zijn

With the fantastic Barbara Sloesen and Walid Benmbarek,
Sanne Langelaar, Holly Mae Brood, Jennifer Welts, Jip Smit,
Renée Fokker, Jelle de Jong, Daphne Deckers, Peter Blok,
Pip Lieke Lucas and many more.

Director : Erwin van den Eshof
Client : Tom de Mol / Dutch Film Works


Alles is nog steeds zo als het zou moeten zijn

Openings film Cinekid Festival 2023

Jaap Peter, a lively 16-year-old boy, eagerly prepares for his older sister's wedding at their beloved grandfather's country house.
As the whole family rallies together to create the perfect celebration, Jaap Peter falls in love for the first time.
But when the girl of his dreams is smitten with his younger sister Joe instead, Jaap Peter is disheartened.
Through the chaos and tender moments, Jaap Peter learns that his presence and the unbreakable bond of his family are vital in ensuring the wedding's success.

Cast: Wesley van Klink, Guido Pollemans, Aus Greidanus Sr.,
Hannah van Lunteren, Lotte Jonker, Carmen van Zantwijk,
Carina de Vroome, Joep Paddenburg, Kee Derwig, Eliyha Altena

Director : Margien Rogaar
Client : Juliet at Pupkin




Jippie No More


The new must see film 2023!

Initially, Annabel (Noortje Herlaar) and Sander (Benja Bruijning) seem like polar opposites in their final year of school in the early 1980s, but when they both join the school band they connect over their love for music. However, Sander's not the only one who recognises Annabel's musical talent and when she decides to team up with Olaf, she loses sight of Sander. Until they meet again in the 1990s and they start a dance act, together with Sander's best friend Malcolm. Before they know it, Three is a Crowd is heading the charts. But the bigger their success, the harder it is to remain true to each other and themselves.

With: The brilliant Noortje Herlaar, Benja Bruijning, Kaj Greidanus, 
Holly Mae Brood, Jip Smit, Uria Havertong, Eva Laurenssen, Kees Hulst, Janni Goslinga and many more.

Director(s): Albert Jan van Rees (Adios amigos, Doris) and Dorien Goertzen (Nieuwe buren, Wat is dan liefde))
Client : Keyfilm / Independent Films

Net als in de film

Waldemar Torenstra as Marco Kroon

On his tour of duty in Afghanistan, Marco Kroon heroically leads his men through firefights and is awarded the the highest decoration in the Netherlands: the Military Order of William.
However, in the years that follow, Kroon is discredited. He struggles with traumas he cannot share even with Mirjam,
the love of his life and everyone has an opinion about him, in the media and in the street.
Kroon finds himself swept up in an emotional rollercoaster. As he tries to exonerate himself, he may face his toughest mission yet.

With the fabulus Sallie Harmsen as Marco's wife Mirjam next to: Jeroen Spitzenberg, Angela Schijf,
Pierre Bokma, Huub Stapel, Tibor Lukacs, Steef de Bot, Mike Weerts,
Olaf Ait Tami, Ilias Addab, Pepijn Schoneveld, Yamill Jones.

Director : Roel Reiné.
Client : Keyfilm / DFW

De Vuurlinie

Van de makers van Wat is dan liefde

Jacco and Sylvie's shaky marriage is put to the test during their stay at an All-Inclusive resort.
Jacco finds it difficult to embrace the All-Inclusive culture and at the same time has to repair his marriage and his band with the kids.

Shot on location in the burning sun of beautiful Bonaire.
With: oa Tibor lukács, Jennifer hoffman, Bing van Son and Aiko Beemsterboer

Directot : Aniëlle Webster
Client : Greenfield FP / WWE 

All Inclusive

Waldemar Torenstra in De Vuurlinie

On his tour of duty in Afghanistan, Marco Kroon heroically leads his men through firefights and is awarded the the highest decoration in the Netherlands: the Military Order of William.
However, in the years that follow, Kroon is discredited. He struggles with traumas he cannot share even with Mirjam,
the love of his life and everyone has an opinion about him, in the media and in the street.
Kroon finds himself swept up in an emotional rollercoaster. As he tries to exonerate himself, he may face his toughest mission yet.

With the fabulus Sallie Harmsen as Marco's wife Mirjam next to: Jeroen Spitzenberg, Angela Schijf,
Pierre Bokma, Huub Stapel, Tibor Lukacs, Steef de Bot, Mike Weerts,
Olaf Ait Tami, Ilias Addab, Pepijn Schoneveld, Yamill Jones.

Director : Roel Reiné.
Client : Keyfilm / DFW

Line of fire - de vuurlinie

Familie Claus #3

A Christmas adventure / family production for Netlix.
The delivery of the gifts turns into a disaster and Santa Claus is in trouble. Will his grandchildren, Jules and Noor, manage to team up to save the day?
With oa Jan Decleir,Mo Bakker,Bracha van Doesburgh and many others.

Director : Ruben Vandenborre
Client : Dutch Filmworks/Netflix.

Familie Claus #3

Black Lotus

This blockbuster tells the story of an ex-special forces operative waging a one man war through the streets of Amsterdam,
to rescue his friend's daughter from the local crime syndicate.

With thé Rico Verhoeven as Matteo and the one and olny Frank grillo as the bad guy Saban.
I was flown in to assit my collegue Wessel de Groot to capture a nice image of Frank Grillo in action.
Wessel shot this images of Rico seperately in the studio and I went hunting on set for Saban.

Director: Tador Chapkanov
Client : DFW



Black Lotus

Jim Bakkum 4 Veronica


Client: Veronica Superguide

Veronica Superguide

A Christmas story in the Swiss snow

When Ava wishes to get rid of her overprotective parents in Hotel Sinestra, next morning all grown-ups have miraculously disappeared.
Ava and the other children have to go all out to find a solution to get their parents back.

Cast was shot on location in Hotel Sinestra, Switserland.

Director : Michiel ten Hoorn
Client : DFW

Hotel Sinestra

The new thriller by Andre van Duren

Best friends Bodil and Isabel, apparently happily married, sneak off for secret affairs using each other as an alibi.
But when Isabel is killed when they were supposed to have been together.
Bodil gets caught up in her own web of lies.

With : Bracha van Doesburgh en Elise Schaap.
Director : André van Duren.

Client : Millstreet and DFW

Faithfully Yours

De Club van Sinterklaas

Saint Nicolas' Eve threatens to be canceled because a young Black Pete drops St. Nicholas' clock.
In addition the Saint's horse is behaving very strangely because he has run into the famous horse connoisseur Britt Dekker.

Director : Martijn Koevoets
Client : DFW

De Club van Sinterklaas


After two succes series it was time for a movie.

A twenty-something lesbian university graduate in Amsterdam prepares to leave for Montreal, meanwhile navigating her social life and writing carreer.
With: Hanna van Vliet Jouman Fattal Thorn Roos de Vries. 
This images was shot in the studio since the grap from the movie was to low in resolution.

Director : Valerie Bisscheroux
Client : Millstreet Films / DFW 






Alles op Tafel

Seven friends meet up for dinner and decide to play a revealing game.
During the evening deep personal secrets will surface and threaten their relationships.

With: Linda de Mol Peter Paul Muller Lies Visschedijk Ramsey Nasr Eva Crutzen Waldemar Torenstra Diederik Ebbinge Aiko Beemsterboer.
Shot with extreem low light (please sit still!!) and actors joking around resulting in a collage of about seven pictures.
But we got it;)

Director : Will Koopman
Client : Millstreetfilm films & Independent Films




Alles op Tafel


With: Abby Hoes, Stephany van Eer,
Soy Kroon, Oscar Aerts, Sinan Eroglu, Lisa Zweerman,
Ella - June Henrard, Roeland Fernhout, Tina de Bruin
and Katja Schuurman.

Director : John Karthaus
Client : DFW  & NL Film 



Charlie Chan Dagelet and Maarten Heijmans

This image we shot at 'het paard van Marken' (a lighthouse in the Markermeer).
Under harsh conditions, we had wind, hard wind,rain (a lot ) and a temperature around the freezingpoint.
Did not stop Charlie, not for a moment.

Director : Jan Verdijk
Client : RTL/Videoland


De Indringer

Swanenburg de serie

The must see thrilling series about the family Praal.
With : Tine Joustra Frederik Brom Sanne Langelaar Jan-Paul Buijs Ella-June Henrard Joren Seldeslachts Richelle Plantinga Jannell Gersie

Directors : Hans Somers, Anielle Webster, Hiba Vink, Thomas Korth Altes
Client : Keyfilm / KRO-NCRV


Lost days

When Simone finds her dead wife Anne in someone else's memories while working at a virtual reality company,
she decides to risk her life to find Anne and hold her one last time.

With Georgina Verbaan

Director : Jim Suter
Client : RTL/Videoland

Verdwenen Dagen

So what is love

A compassionate divorce lawyer and her callous male co-worker find themselves reconsidering
their beliefs on love, marriage, ambition and each other as they go head-to-head over the coveted position of partner in their legal firm.

The hit movie: Wat is dan liefde.
with Elise Schaap and Maarten Heijmans.

We tried to shoot this image during a filmday but were unfortunate,
luckaly these actors could find an morning in their scedule (with great light :) to have a extra attempt.
Think we nailed it in the end.

Director : Aniëlle Webster
Client : Keyfilm/Independent Films.


Wat is dan liefde

A Christmas adventure / family production for Netlix.

After discovering his grandfather is Santa Claus, Jules has to help him deliver his presents all around the world.
But Jules' hatred for Christmas might make that more difficult than Santa thought.

With oa Jan Decleir,Mo Bakker,Bracha van Doesburgh and many others.

Director : Ruben Vandenborre
Client : Dutch Filmworks/Netflix.


De Familie Claus


In this documentary Lars Bos aka Snelle gives us an insight in what he is about. 
On and off stage.

Client: Millstreet Films / Netflix



Snelle zonder jas naar buiten

van der Valk

Shot as a cover image in the storyline.
Actors Hadewijch Minnes, liz snoijink, Julia Akkermans and Thomas Cammaert are the famaly Cuypers is the series van der Valk.

Client: NL Film

van der Valk

Expeditie Robinson Belgie vs NL

Geraldine Kemper and Bartel Van Riet are the hosts for Expeditie Robinson Holland VS Begium.
Shot on location (Paniman island) as a promotion picture for the 20th series Expeditie Robinson.

Client: RTL NL.

Expeditie Robinson Belgie vs NL

All actors but Yannick Jozefzoon were shot on set in between takes.
(To get the shot of Yannick we took an extra moment off set).
The man could allways turn to modelling if his acting career would slow down ;)

Client : Millstreet and Videoland.


Baantjer the beginning 4 Videoland

Zeeman confronts Stalkers

The new hitshow in witch Thijs Zeeman and his side kick Nico confront Stalkers.

Client: RTL XL .

Zeeman confronteert stalkers

Expeditie Robinson 2018 with hosts Dennis and Nicolette

This is one of the images we shot as a press introduction.
Shooting during this production is allways a chalange. Its hot, its humid and its hecktick.
Its the Phillipines!
but these two were ready to shoot anytime I asked them to be.  

Client RTL NL  



Expeditie Robinson XX Kaj & Nicolette

Bloody Marie

Susanne Wolf as Marie Wankelmut
We had an official plan and  studioshoot for the poster but after picturelock the images and movie were not in line.
Luckily we had a lot of still images to get to this result. 

Client: Familyaffairfilms



Bloody Marie

Dan Karaty as Jim Cole

Shot for the TV series Soof season 2

Client : RTL Nederland.


Dan Karaty in Soof de serie2

The new must see !!

Spin off series with Kaj Gorgels, Fabrizio and Pommeline.
Shot on location in the Tattooshop of Fabrizio.

Client : RTL NL.


Fedja van Huet as Kasper

Shot for the TV series Soof season 2

Client : RTL Nederland.

Fetja van Huet 4 Soof de serie2

Expeditie Robinson XX

Geraldine Kemper and Bartel Van Riet are the hosts for Expeditie Robinson Holland VS Begium.
Shot on location as a promotion picture for the 20th series Expeditie Robinson.
And it was hot, very very hot this year. Pfff....

Client: RTL NL  



Expeditie Robinson XX Geraldine and Bartel

High Cuisine

Shot as promotion image fort the TV show High Cuisine with chef's Noah Tucker en Tony Joseph.
High Cuisine’s vision is to revolutionize the dining experience by skillfully fusing together haute cuisine and ancient mind-expanding herbs and plants into mouth-watering recipes that will take you on an unforgettable culinary journey.

Client : RTL NL



High Cuisine with

Efteling (winter)

Image as support to international campaign.
shot on location.

Client: DPPLR /  Efteling  


Efteling (winter)

Lies Visschendijck is Soof

Shot for the TV series Soof season 2

Client : RTL Nederland



Lies Visschedijk Soof de serie 2


TV series with: Carré Albers, Jaike Belfor, May Hollermann, Joshua Faytons and more.

Client: POWNED.


Barbara Sloesen as Joy

Shot for the TV series Soof season 2

Client : RTL Nederland.


Soof de serie2

Sinterklaas en de Liedjespietjes

Poster image shot on location.
Two immature, inexperienced Petes try to write new lyrics for traditional songs.
At the end of each episode they are corrected by Saint Nicholas.
With: Bartho Braat, Elena Zuidmeer, Elindo Avastia

Client RTL/Videoland

Sinterklaas en de Liedjespietjes


Peter Paul Muller and Marc van Eeuwen.
This poster is composed out off two shots.
I asked these actors to step out of the set with me so we could make some headshots.
Took us just a couple of minuts to get these this strong images.

Client: Millstreetfilms




Poster Rendezvous

The poster with Piere Boulanger and Loes Haverkort.
Picture was shot after a long day of filming.
But these two actors could still give me the right energie to make the shot work. 

Client: Millstreetfilms


Rendezvous the movie

Expeditie Robinson 2018

with hosts Dennis and Nicolette.
Shot on location.

Client: RTL Nederland


Expeditie Robinson 2018 with hosts Dennis and Nicolette

De beste verleiders

A spin off from Temptation Island
The host off the show Kaj Gorgels
Also featuring Fabrizio,Tireily, Matthew,
Gino,Levi, Alex and Ken as temptation consultants.

Client: Warner Bros / RTLNederland

De beste verleiders with Kaj Gorgels

Cliffhanger GTST 2017

Client RTL Nederland

Cliffhanger image (end of season 2017)

Klaas Pepijn Pim and Albert Jan

TV show in which four hilarius guys have to perform the most ridiculous tasks.
Having these guys in the studio means total chaos but lots of fun.

Client : RTL NL


Foute vrienden on holliday

Genio de Groot as Sinterklaas

With Genio de Groot as Sinterklaas

Client: RTL NL.

Sint & Co. 2017

Soof 2

met Lies Visschedijk.

Client: Millstreet/Key film.

Soof 2

de Held

Sara Silverstein suddenly finds herself involved in various violent attacks.
She realizes she needs to unravel her father's past to stop this threat.
with Moniek Hendrickx.

Client: Dutch FilmWorks



Moniek Hendrickx in de held

Cliffhanger GTST 2017

Client RTL Nederland

Cliffhanger image (end of season)


Dating show with Dutch celebirties.
Beau Hesling, Joshua Feytons, Jeroen Post, Jeffrey Wammes, Eric Dikeb, Dewi Pechler.

Client RTL Nederland




client: Independent Films



I love your tattoo RTL

Spin off series with Kaj Gorgels, Fabrizio and Pommeline.
Shot on location in the Tattooshop of Fabrizio.

Client : RTL NL.


I love your tattoo RTL

Soof with Lies Visschedijk

The hit movie
shot in studioISA on a bed of fruit.

client Millstreet/Keyfilm

Soof with Lies Visschedijk

Soof with Dan Karaty

The hit movie
shot in studioISA on a bed of fruit.

client Millstreet/Keyfilm

Soof with Dan Karaty

Soof with Fedja van Huét

The hit movie
shot in studioISA on a bed of fruit.

client Millstreet/Keyfilm

Soof with Fedja van Huét

Roel van Velzen, his CD the blessed days.
Soundtrack of the movie Soof.
Roel wrote the titelsong for the movie.
So he also had to jump in to our fruit bowl.

the blessed days

Van Velzen

Pepijn Klaas Albert-Jan and Pim

TV show in which four hilarius guys have to perform the most ridiculous tasks.
Having these guys in the studio means total chaos but lots of fun.

Client : RTL NL



Foute vrienden the Curaçao episode

The family Claus

A Christmas adventure / family production for Netlix.
With oa Jan Decleir,Mo Bakker,Bracha van Doesburgh and many others.

Client: Dutch Filmworks/Netflix.




The family Claus

Tony 10

Tony 10
Tony 10

Loft with Sallie Harmsen

Loft with Sallie Harmsen
Loft with Sallie Harmsen

Loft with Anna Drijver #2

Loft with Anna Drijver #2
Loft with Anna Drijver #2

Loft with Anna Drijver

Loft with Anna Drijver
Loft with Anna Drijver

German release Loft.


German release Loft
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